Eating Out On a Keto Diet: 12 Top Tips for Success - September 2023

Eating Out On a Keto Diet: 12 Top Tips for Success

Eating out while following the keto diet can be challenging, but with the right strategies, you can stay on track and enjoy delicious meals.
In this article, we’ll share our 12 best tips to help you eat out while living your keto lifestyle.
1. Find Keto-Friendly Restaurants:
Start looking for restaurants that offer keto friendly options or have customisable menus.
Use online resources, such as restaurant review websites or specialised apps, to find good options in your area.
Reading reviews and checking the menu beforehand will help you make an informed decision.
2. Study the menu in advance:
Once you have chosen a restaurant, review the menu online.
Find flavours that are naturally low in calories or can be modified to fit your keto needs.
Focus on protein-rich foods such as grilled meats, seafood, and poultry.
3. Call ahead for special requests:
If you have special dietary requirements or concerns, please do not hesitate to call the restaurant in advance. Tell them about your keto diet and the changes you need.
This way, the restaurant can cater to your needs and make your dining experience more enjoyable.

4. Choose low-carb snacks:
Start your meal with a keto friendly meal to satisfy your hunger pangs without ruining your diet.
Choose from options such as salad dressings, charcuterie boards or cheese plates.
Avoid bready or starchy foods such as onions, bagels or potato skins.

5. Prepare your meal:
Don’t be afraid to ask for modifications to fit the keto diet.
Ask for sauces, dips or sides to control the amount and avoid sugar or hidden carbohydrates.
Replace high-carb sides like potatoes or rice with steamed vegetables or a side salad.

6. Beware of hidden sugars:
Sugar can leach into sauces, dressings, and seasonings, so be careful.
Ask about toppings or ask for sugar free alternatives.
Stick to natural flavours and herbs to enhance the taste of your food.

7. Skip the bread and choose a low carb alternative:
Avoid the bread basket and choose a healthier alternative.
Ask for a salad dressing for a sandwich or burger.
If the menu includes low carb options, such as shrimp, lamb, or chicken, give it a try.

8. Stay hydrated and avoid sugary drinks:
For drink options, choose water, unsweetened tea, or black coffee.
Avoid sugary sodas, fruit juices, and carbonated drinks.
If you like alcoholic drinks, choose low calorie mixed wines or spirits.
Such as Vinho Verde, Prosecco, and other Brut sparkling wines, are often the lowest in calories.
A 5 ounce glass of Vinho Verde contains around 88 calories

9. Perform part control:
Restaurants often serve larger portions than necessary, which can lead to overeating.

Measure your hunger level mentally and listen to your body’s cues.
Consider sharing a meal with friends, or ask for a box to store leftovers for later.

10. Be sure and confident:
Don’t be afraid to communicate your dietary needs and preferences to your waiter.

Politely ask for changes or substitutions to make your meal more convenient.
Remember that most restaurants are willing to cater to the needs of their customers.

11. Choose whole foods:
Choose foods that contain whole, unprocessed ingredients whenever possible.
Choose fresh vegetables, lean protein, and healthy fats like avocado or olive oil.
Avoid processed meats, fried foods and dishes packed with sauces or fillings.

12. Enjoy the dining experience:
Focus on the social side of food, not just the food.
Engage in conversation, enjoy the camaraderie, and value your friendship.
Losing focus on your diet can help you stay on track with your keto goals.

Sticking to the keto diet while dining out is completely possible with proper planning and wise choices. By finding a keto friendly place, you can research the menu in advance, make special requests, and eat better. Strategic ordering, customisation, and choosing a baked or fried flavour are key to staying low on carbs.

Additionally, being aware of hidden sugars, cutting out bread, staying hydrated, and portion control will all contribute to your keto success. Ultimately, maintaining a positive mindset, determination, and prioritising whole foods will allow you to navigate restaurant meals while staying true to your keto lifestyle.

So stay on track with your health goals and enjoy the flavour. 

With these 12 tips, you can confidently navigate your way through dining out on a keto diet, enjoying delicious meals while staying true to your health goals. By being prepared, making informed choices, and prioritizing protein and low carb options, you’ll be able to savor the dining experience without compromising your ketogenic lifestyle. So go ahead and embrace the joy of eating out while keeping your keto journey on track. Bon appétit!

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